Audit & Risk Committee

The Au­dit and Risk Com­mit­tee is a Su­per­vi­sory Board com­mit­tee whose main func­tion is to ad­vise the Su­per­vi­sory Board on the fol­low­ing mat­ters:

  • the Bank’s risk management activities and its internal control systems;
  • the quality and integrity of the Bank’s financial information;
  • the role and activities of the Internal Audit department; and,
  • the bank’s risk profile & risk appetite.


Financial & Non-Financial Risk Committees

The Fi­nan­cial & Non-Fi­nan­cial Risk Com­mit­tees are the sub­com­mit­tees of the Man­ag­ing Board es­tab­lished to as­sist the Man­ag­ing Board in its over­sight of

  • the Bank’s risk governance structure;
  • the Bank’s risk management and risk assessment practices;
  • the Bank’s financial and non-financial risk profiles and the Bank’s risk appetite;
  • the efficiency of the Bank’s internal control system.


Asset and Liability Management Committee

The Bank op­er­ates a com­pre­hen­sive as­set and li­a­bil­ity man­age­ment (ALM) process. It in­cludes su­per­vi­sion of lo­cal ALM com­mit­tees re­spon­si­ble for set­ting lim­its on in­ter­est-rate, liq­uid­ity, cur­rency and trad­ing risks. It fur­ther over­sees man­age­ment of con­sol­i­dated liq­uid­ity and in­ter­est-rate po­si­tions and cap­i­tal struc­ture. Pol­icy- and stan­dard-set­ting for trans­fer pric­ing are also cov­ered by ALM. Thanks to its sound and proac­tive as­set-li­a­bil­ity man­age­ment prin­ci­ples, CEB NV op­er­ated with rel­a­tively com­fort­able liq­uid­ity dur­ing the fi­nan­cial cri­sis.


International Corporate Credit Committee

In this Credit Com­mit­tee credit pro­pos­als on bal­ance sheet-, pro­ject-, ob­ject- and ma­rine fi­nance are dis­cussed. In­ter­na­tional Cor­po­rate Credit Com­mit­tee con­sists of 5 vot­ing/per­ma­nent mem­bers: Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer, Chief Risk Of­fi­cer, Di­vi­sion Di­rec­tor Cor­po­rate Cred­its/Cor­po­rate Lend­ing, De­part­ment Man­ager Cor­po­rate Lend­ing & Sub­sidiary Co­or­di­na­tion and De­part­ment Man­ager Cor­po­rate Lend­ing & Pro­ject Fi­nance. All in­di­vid­ual credit de­ci­sions par­tic­u­larly on limit es­tab­lish­ment, re­newal or in­crease should be taken unan­i­mously.


International Structured Trade and Commodity Finance (STCF) Credit Committee

In this Credit Com­mit­tee credit pro­pos­als on struc­tured trade and com­mod­ity fi­nance are dis­cussed. In­ter­na­tional STCF Credit Com­mit­tee con­sists of 4 vot­ing/per­ma­nent mem­bers: Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer, Chief Risk Of­fi­cer. De­part­ment Man­ager Cor­po­rate Cred­its/STCF and De­part­ment Man­ager Struc­tured Trade & Com­mod­ity Fi­nance. All in­di­vid­ual credit de­ci­sions par­tic­u­larly on limit es­tab­lish­ment, re­newal or in­crease should be taken unan­i­mously.